Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time Flies

Yesterday, sweet Kylie didn't want to nap during our regular nap time. Instead she rolled around on the floor for hours. I began to think that Kaitlyn began sitting up at four months so just for grins I thought I'd try it out. Well she can do it... Her babyhood seems to be going so much faster than Kaitlyn's did. I was in a hurry for K to do everything. I loved each new experience. I remember thinking, I'm having another one so I'll enjoy it then. Now that I'm maybe, probably, dunno done having babies I try to hold on to every minute but it is just going too fast. But Kylie is in a hurry to do EVERYTHING she can scoot/push/roll across our huge den in a matter of minutes. If I would show her how I KNOW she could crawl. Remember she is FOUR months old! I am really thankful for all of the support and encouragement from my friends regarding breastfeeding. That is the only time that I get to admire the little baby miracle. Once we are done with that, I might as well just send her to college.

I have always known that God is real and I have never questioned his presence in my life. If someone were to ask me what proof I have, the proof is in my children. Once you experience the miracle of life you will know that life didn't happen by a mere accident. If that in itself is not enough to convince you watching something like THIS grow into something like THIS should!

Now stop growing up Kylie!!!

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