Friday, July 31, 2009

How to talk to a 3 month old

How to I tell my 3 month old that a six o'clock wake up call so you can suck on one boob and go back to sleep is not the way I like to start my day?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reading books

I had a really insightful thing to blog about earlier today but as usual I forgot what it was... so here is the best I can do:

Kaitlyn has always loved to read books. Since I am nursing Kylie, that is a good time to read to her. Kylie seems to love to read too which isn't such a good thing. As soon as I start reading, Kylie stops eating. I love the way those wide eyes look up at me with a nipple in her mouth! Lately, Miss Independent has decided that she will be the one doing the reading. Sometimes she looks at pictures and reads the book from memory. She will say things like goodnight moon, cow, chairs, shhh, balloon. But the best thing is when she reads a book that she doesn't quite remember. It sounds just like this: dodapepodipooquack. didadoboopidopa. Funniest thing ever. I would do anything to get it on video but somehow I doubt I can.
EDITED to add link to video:

Yesterday we went to the end of summer ice cream party. Last year Kaitlyn began her nervous doodoo habit by crapping at the table in a swim diaper. This year was much less eventful. The highlight for me was Kaitlyn sitting in the pool shooting the older boys with water guns. They acted like they didn't notice or were too shy to play back. Then Kaitlyn shot Carter which I guess gave all of the other boys a green light to shoot her back. She totally deserved it and loved it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not so rainy day

We have had a very busy July. Today and tomorrow we have no plans so we (I) decided to take the day off! I have not even got out of my pajamas! I thought I'd take the time to write a few things about Kaitlyn right now. Next time I have nothing to say, I'll write about Kylie.

Kaitlyn is a very spirited 28 month old. Sometimes she is super sweet. She loves to cuddle while reading books or watching Caillou. She is very protective over Kylie, always giving her toys, a sassy, or a blanket but she hates it when she cries. However, she is also very determined and controlling. Her tantrums are 100% of the time over something she wants to do or didn't want me to do. Sometimes I make a mistake and don't do it the way she wants but more often than not, I have no clue what I did wrong. Today, for 2 hours, she cried over... well I can't actually remember. I think it had something to do with the way I carried her down the stairs and a granola bar that she wanted to eat but didn't want to open. TWO HOURS! I see alot of John's personality in her. She watches and analyzes processes and she will be upset if that process isn't followed. She is very interested in tools and technical things. She is not so interested in babydolls. She also likes to reorganize things. That probably comes from me! Even I don't remember where I keep the potholders these days!!!

Today we did two really fun analytical projects. First we strung beads to make a necklace. Now there was no rhyme or reason to the way she was stringing them but she was very thoughtful in which one came next. I'll update this with a picture later. Okay, I'll admit that I almost had a temper tantrum myself when she would't let me make a necklace too. And then again when she let me make a necklace but wouldn't let me use the pretty beads. Okay, who is the adult here? I'm still pouting that my necklace is green with yellow and orange beads.

Its almost three o'clock. I'm going to the gym so there is no need to take a shower but maybe I should go change underwear and put a legitamate shirt on!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two Milestones

I forgot to mention a couple of really not so fun milestones. Yesterday Kylie rolled over. On purpose. Multiple times. I'm never sitting her down again.

The second thing happened actually Monday. We had the Lyon's over for dinner. The kids were playing and I realize that it is really quiet in our house. Then I think hmmm I think I heard the door open a few seconds earlier (see I'm really forgetful). So Lauren looks outside to see Kaitlyn and Jake on the edge of the street WITH A CAR STOPPED in front of them. Luckily another nieghbor saw them and was running over. Thank God for Lori and the alert driver who was just someone driving around (not a nieghbor). Needless to say, I have put a thing on the door so now no one, including me can get out.

Here is a picture of Kaitlyn playing in the rain today

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Awesome Bathroom Trip

There is nothing more fun than taking two kids to a public bathroom. I would rather pee in a jar in the drivers seat than do it but sometimes I can't wait that long- blame hormones, my second baby, and what I learned in 9th grade anatomy is known as, parastaltic rush. So here I go... TJ Maxx. Kaitlyn eating a lolipop, Kylie strapped to my chest in a baby bjorn. My choices are to go on my white shorts or attempt to squat without getting Ky's feet near the toilet and playing a game with Kaitlyn that doesn't involve wipping the pop-pop on the bathroom wall, floor, or door. Well I managed to squeeze it out without getting any doo-doo germs on Kylie's hands and feet so I'm feeling confident enough to tell Kaitlyn not to touch anything. "Dis?" she says touching the wall. "Dis?" touching the toilet paper holder. "Dis?" she says opening the door while I'm still squatting with my pants around my ankles. Yup. Awesome.

Back again

About a year ago, I started blogging instead of napping. Then I got pregnant and started napping again. Now I have too many hormones and can't nap so I eat. And I should probably stop that. So here I am. As you guessed, this is my platform to tell you about my very exciting days and my favorite subjects, Kaitlyn and Kylie! And if you don't want to know... don't read it :)