Sunday, February 21, 2010

I must really love her

Oh Kylie....This week has been a long one. To start, we have entered separation anxiety. I didn't experience it with Kaitlyn so I don't quite understand how to deal with it. I never leave my kids so if I drop them off somewhere I must really want the time away, ie gym, mops, date night. If I so much as hand her to a relative she doesn't remember, she wails. How do I explain to my grandma that Kylie doesn't want her to hold her? Heck, my grandma just finally remembered her name!(sort of... Kaylie is close enough! Its only been 10 months) So while we have been dealing with that, I have been deathly ill all week, thanks to Kylie. On Tuesday night I tried to nurse her 15 minutes early so I could go to bible study on time. Well, it was not on her schedule so she didn't really eat but I decided too bad and went on. The next morning I woke up with a really bad clogged duct. (Stop reading now if you don't want to hear about breastfeeding.) I nursed, pumped, took motrin and a heat compress and it still hurt. I figured that I would just go to the gym and forget about it. Uh oh! So I got home and just felt whipped. By noon, I was on the couch with a pounding headache. I put the kids down early and spent the day on the couch. By three, I had chills and couldn't open my eyes. I finally pried myself off the couch to go to Aaron's birthday party. Made it home and went straight to bed with a blinding headache, chills, and that stupid clogged duct still hadn't cleared up. The next morning I woke groggy but manage to make it until about 3:00. On the couch, two layers of clothes and a huge, heavy blanket! I had the chills so bad I didn't even want to go to the bathroom. I called my mom to take care of the kids because there was just no way I could. I had a fever of over 102 and the same blinding headache and clogged duct. At one point Thursday night I was afraid I may have to go to the emergency room. I don't think my words can describe how sick I was. Thank God for the internet and my library of parenting book- Mastitis. I really don't wish it on anyone. So for you Kylie- I have endured spasms and mastitis. At least you are cute!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I couldn't make this up

On the way to school today Kaitlyn was in the backseat praying over and over, "Dear Jesus, Please help me doodoo on the potty. AAAAAmen." "Dear Jesus, Please help me doodoo on the potty. AAAAAmen." "Dear Jesus, Please help me doodoo on the potty. AAAAAmen."
Seriously, if you are old enough to pray about it, aren't you old enough not to crap your pants?!?

I went to Kaitlyn's Valentine's Day party today. It was interesting but I did learn I'm not the only mom who has some concerns with her teacher. But, I don't want to teacher bash!

I'll have some new pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Treasure

Over the last seven days I have come across this bible verse on three different occasions:
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
It has made me wonder if God is trying to speak to me. One context that I came across it, there was a financial connotation. The other two were more about relationships. I'm praying the lord is trying to point out the latter! Anyway, since it has come up, I have really been praying for my relationships. I am so blessed to have so many close friends at this time in my life! Each one adds a new dynamic. But truly, my treasure is in my neighborhood. I don't think I ever pass the sign without thanking Him for giving me this house, this street, and these friends. When John came in to my life, I began to strive to be a better person because I felt accountable to him. I think my friends here have the same effect. I appreciate that they are all strong Christians, active parents, and good partners. I think that if I ever slacked in any area they would be here to help me to get back on track. I am truly blessed to have that kind of support system.

And just in case that God was trying to point out that I need to be more generous, I have that covered. I'm a secret couponer. I don't necessarily deserve my own tv show or anything but I have decided that during Lent I will give all the money I save couponing to St. Vincent de Paul which is a national charity that our church supports. They provide food and clothing to the poor but on a local level (Roswell, Ga).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wasting Time

Okay, my house is a disaster so what better to do than update my blog! Let's see... Kylie took her first steps and then proceeded not to walk again. She went to the doctor. She is in the 10th percentile overall. And her height was a stretch since her head wasn't at the top of the measuring thing. Who would have guessed my kids would be short. Kylie gets in to stuff Kaitlyn never did. She likes to unplug things and attempt to plug them back in. She likes to play in dirt and climb stairs... that is just this week!
Kaitlyn is not napping, not pooping in the toilet, and changes clothes twelve times a day. We are definitely on good terms these days. The other day I took her for a walk in her pajamas. Mr. Harp (the dad not John Harp) was outside and was admiring her outfit so I got stuck in a conversation with him. The whole time he was talking I was like, ugh where is Kaitlyn, but I couldn't get out of the conversation. I figured she was running around in the cul-de-sac. Nope, Mr. Harp said, "Look, that one over there is getting away." He saw her as she ran 6 houses down from where I was in the cul-de-sac heading to her house. Thank God he saw her. She was at the point where the street turns and one more house and I would have NEVER found her. I NEVER would have guessed that she would fun home.
I went to Kaitlyn's parent/teacher conference. That was interesting, especially if you know how I indifferent I am towards her teacher. The first thing she told me was that Kaitlyn couldn't put together a 4 piece puzzle. Um. She can put together a 60 piece puzzle. Then she said that she doesn't sing songs, obey when asked to do something, or ask questions. Yes, she can. She's 3. How can I get her to start asking you and stop asking me.
Kaitlyn not napping