Thursday, February 17, 2011

Growing Pains

Kaitlyn has been having a rough couple of weeks. She had some mysterious illness that made her feel really bad for several days but she supposedly tested negative for strep. After three days I gave her a dose of antibiotics that I had in the fridge and she was better. Then I got sick with a razor sore throat and took a few doses of antibiotics and I feel better too. We know several people that we encountered that have tested positive for strep so I'm not convinced that it wasn't. Anyway, she has taken naps almost every day for a week which is really rare. She is always asking for food and is cranky as can be. I have officially diagnosed her with a growth spurt! I really need some help with my patience though. I ask her to do things and she either doesn't listen or has a huge meltdown. Today we were coloring and the page she wanted to color was ripped. She said something about tape so I went and taped part of the page but she didn't want it taped and out come the waterworks. I couldn't take the tape off without ripping it and I tried to tell her. I carried her to her room and she screamed, sorry to say, like a BABY for 10 minutes and she has been asleep for two hours (and I have been on the computer). I am calm with her for about 60 seconds and then I lose it so I really need help dealing with her appropriately.
You may notice no pictures in a while. That is because I'm not totally in love with how difficult John is making our new computer. One day soon I'll just do a picture post.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a fan of antibiotics and rarely take them or give them to my kids. I am well aware that you must take a full dose. However, I went to the doctor to try and get some and the "doctor" (nurse practitioner) didn't give us any so I did what I thought was right.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Things I love Thursday

I know I really need to post so I just ran across so someone who posted with the above title. I thought of a list and then realized that it's Friday. Well anyway...

1. Cuddling with a sick baby. Been doing lots of this lately.

2. Having healthy children.

3. Running around in the backyard with no shoes on and a glass of Chardonnay. <----Spring fever

4. The sound of kids laughing at each other.

5. Conversation hearts.

6. Surprises. I'm pretty hard to surprise because I always ruin them. My husband always waits until the last possible moment for a surprise so I get impatient. ie. engagement.

7. Playing video games with Johnny and eating popcorn.

8. Christmas Eve.

9. Driving with the sunroof open.

10. Reading novels in one day.

Funny, I should do this every two months or so because I know that my answers would always change. If you want to know what I've been up to, just read the list and you can guess!!!