Kaitlyn has always loved to read books. Since I am nursing Kylie, that is a good time to read to her. Kylie seems to love to read too which isn't such a good thing. As soon as I start reading, Kylie stops eating. I love the way those wide eyes look up at me with a nipple in her mouth! Lately, Miss Independent has decided that she will be the one doing the reading. Sometimes she looks at pictures and reads the book from memory. She will say things like goodnight moon, cow, chairs, shhh, balloon. But the best thing is when she reads a book that she doesn't quite remember. It sounds just like this: dodapepodipooquack. didadoboopidopa. Funniest thing ever. I would do anything to get it on video but somehow I doubt I can.
EDITED to add link to video:
Yesterday we went to the end of summer ice cream party. Last year Kaitlyn began her nervous doodoo habit by crapping at the table in a swim diaper. This year was much less eventful. The highlight for me was Kaitlyn sitting in the pool shooting the older boys with water guns. They acted like they didn't notice or were too shy to play back. Then Kaitlyn shot Carter which I guess gave all of the other boys a green light to shoot her back. She totally deserved it and loved it!
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