Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not so rainy day

We have had a very busy July. Today and tomorrow we have no plans so we (I) decided to take the day off! I have not even got out of my pajamas! I thought I'd take the time to write a few things about Kaitlyn right now. Next time I have nothing to say, I'll write about Kylie.

Kaitlyn is a very spirited 28 month old. Sometimes she is super sweet. She loves to cuddle while reading books or watching Caillou. She is very protective over Kylie, always giving her toys, a sassy, or a blanket but she hates it when she cries. However, she is also very determined and controlling. Her tantrums are 100% of the time over something she wants to do or didn't want me to do. Sometimes I make a mistake and don't do it the way she wants but more often than not, I have no clue what I did wrong. Today, for 2 hours, she cried over... well I can't actually remember. I think it had something to do with the way I carried her down the stairs and a granola bar that she wanted to eat but didn't want to open. TWO HOURS! I see alot of John's personality in her. She watches and analyzes processes and she will be upset if that process isn't followed. She is very interested in tools and technical things. She is not so interested in babydolls. She also likes to reorganize things. That probably comes from me! Even I don't remember where I keep the potholders these days!!!

Today we did two really fun analytical projects. First we strung beads to make a necklace. Now there was no rhyme or reason to the way she was stringing them but she was very thoughtful in which one came next. I'll update this with a picture later. Okay, I'll admit that I almost had a temper tantrum myself when she would't let me make a necklace too. And then again when she let me make a necklace but wouldn't let me use the pretty beads. Okay, who is the adult here? I'm still pouting that my necklace is green with yellow and orange beads.

Its almost three o'clock. I'm going to the gym so there is no need to take a shower but maybe I should go change underwear and put a legitamate shirt on!

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