Monday, March 21, 2011


Even as a tiny baby, Kylie would sing herself to sleep. In the car, your arms, her bed, you could always tell when she was about to fall asleep. Its always the same song, I couldn't hum it but I know it immedietly. But as she's gotten older the sleepy songs are fewer and fewer. Yesterday I took her up for her nap and she started singing to me so I sat in the chair and just rocked her for a few minutes. I think she knew she was singing to me. I wish I could take that moment in time and capture it forever. I hope that isn't the last sleepy song I'll ever here.

She has always been such a sweet sleeper. Since she was so tiny when she was born (6 lbs, full term) she was swaddled in a bassinet next to our bed. When she was old enough, we have a blue knit blanket that a friend of my grandma's made for her (Kaitlyn has one too) that she calls "nigh-nigh" If anything ever happened to nigh-nigh I'm sure it would be the end of the world as we know it. Partly because its irreplaceable and also because so many of the sweet things she does involve nigh-nigh.

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