I'm not doing so great at keeping up to date with this but I had to write this one down for the memory book. K was following me into the bathroom and there was a slug on the toilet. I jumped and said ewe! and just looked at it trying to decide what to do. She looked at me and said, "Get a napkin mommy!" Well, it was just too gross and John was almost home so I told K to get out of the bathroom and daddy will clean it up in a minute. So, I went to the bathroom upstairs. You know something will happen if I leave two baby monsters unattended. So I left Kylie in the floor. I came down and she wasn't there. So I walked to the bathroom where both girls were sitting (and Ky DOESN"T sit) in the bathroom floor smiling at me. Kaitlyn said, "Mommy, I show Kylie the bug. I'm so happy!" I wish I could have gotten a picture of my two girls, thier silly grins and the slug climbing up the toilet but alas, I lost my camera at the aquarium....
Ky and K are so funny together. They really feed off each other constantly. K is always saying, "I love you so much Kylie." Kylie is always getting into whatever k is. Tonight, K was making faces and Ky was cracking up. I didn't even notice for a long time and I don't think K did either. It is unbelievable how much Kylie understands. I'm so glad they have each other and are sisters. I pray they are always best friends!