Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Magic Button

I wish I had a magic button that would automatically tell me if my child is sick. Since the birth of Kaitlyn, I have always struggled with if my child was actually sick, too sick to be around other kids or was sick enough to go to the doctor. I really try to follow my maternal instinct but I have been to the doctor one too many times with nothing actually wrong. And my previous pediatrician was really mean to me a couple of those times. Which brings me to my current problem: Should I take Kylie to the ENT on Friday? And do I seriously need another medical bill when I'm pretty sure I'm about to get a bill for $2000 on top of the $140 in doctors visits and $117 in prescriptions.
I still don't feel like she is breathing normal. She still grunts and breaths loudly. I haven't given her her nebulizer in a while because I'm lazy and I'm not sure it was really helping the problem that they now think she has. Ugh. So, she had some xrays last week and it showed that her lungs were clear but her adenoids were abnormally large. So I made this appointment and I'm wondering if they are going to be able to see anything and if they do, do I really want to have them removed? So we shall see on Friday. If I go.

1 comment:

  1. I say kids need a check engine light that comes with a diagnostic code! For what its worth, getting Carson's tonsils and adenoids out was great. He snored like crazy and now you can not hear him at all. But, he was older. I would not want to do it for just one of the adenoids when she might need the tonsils another time. After having strep 2 in 2 months this spring, I am sure we will be getting Macie's out sometime.
